TransDEM & Trainz

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TransDEM & Trainz

Post by brucemarshall56 »

Help anyone,

I have been using the route you sent me just before Thanksgiving!! Thanks so much!!

I have got a route into Trainz that I put together. I have used Map Tiles. The problem is that when I go into Surveyor most of the Map Tiles are "floating" in the air. I have gone into the objects menu and choose one Map Tile at a time , I then click on the adjust height button and bring them up or down. If I do try to adjust the height the track and splines are floating above the baseboard. When I am trying to adjust the Map Tiles I am in Wireframe mode. Does anyone know how I can fix this, or what I might try next???

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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by Pencil »

Hi Bruce,

I'm not sure I understand your problem. I've noticed that the tiles seem to float initially, then 'snap' to an elevation when I touch them with the height adjustment tool. I'm not sure about the splines; I haven't had TrainsDem put those down yet. I've just used the lines it paints on the terrain and laid my own track.
Are you saying that when you adjust the tile height, the track and splines also move?

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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by brucemarshall56 »


The problem is when I open the route all the UTM Tiles are floating in the air. When I go to adjust the height they don't "snap" into place. I try to adjust the height going up or down, but don't know where the UTM Tile height should be. When I adjust the height that is when the track and splines seem to be "floating. I am doing all this using the wireframe mode. How can a flat UTM Tile conform to the hilly and mountainous terrian???

The screen shot has the track "floating", but doesn't show most of the UTM Tiles "floating.
This file was done from a prnt scrn in Trainz and used in paint.
This file was done from a prnt scrn in Trainz and used in paint.
brucemarshall56_20130108_0004.jpg (217.26 KiB) Viewed 23690 times

Thanks, any help you can give me would be wonderful!!!

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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by Pencil »

Ah, OK. Yes, the UTM tiles cannot conform to the terrain. So, you'll need to move them up and down to check the placement of items on the hills.

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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by brucemarshall56 »

I am sorry I don't understand what you mean. I have tried everything I know in Trainz. How can a flat UTM Tile conform to a hilly/mountainous area???

Below are 2 screen shots from my route that really show what I am talking about. The first one showed the track elevated. The track seems to be "sitting" on the wireframe.

Hope you can help me with this!!

This one shows the difference in the elevation of some of the tiles
This one shows the difference in the elevation of some of the tiles
brucemarshall56_20130110_0001.jpg (192.08 KiB) Viewed 23679 times
This is just another example of a UTM tile elevated.
This is just another example of a UTM tile elevated.
brucemarshall56_20130110_0000.jpg (94.73 KiB) Viewed 23679 times
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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by Pencil »

Hi Bruce,

The UTM tiles are just used to aid in the positioning of buildings, roads, whatever. They can't be used as the actual surface - as you say, they don't conform to the terrain.
To aid in the positioning of objects (say a house), move the UTL tile up or down until the part with the house is intersecting the grid. Then, when you place the house, place it so it aligns with the image on the UTM tile.

Does that make sense?
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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by brucemarshall56 »


To be sure I understand the use of UTM tiles is that it is only for placement of building, roads, rivers and the terrain should look like for example: colors and bushes & trees. Should I be worried about placement of the UTM Tiles at all?? After I get all the scenery done can I delete the UTM Tiles??

Thanks again,

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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by Pencil »

After you get the scenery placed, yes, you can delete the UTM tiles. In fact, it's probably a good idea to do so, as your route will run faster without them.

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Re: TransDEM & Trainz

Post by brucemarshall56 »


Again, thanks for your help!!

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